PPL fertilizer: a sustainable source of nutrients for a healthy harvest

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As a farmer, choosing the right fertilizer is crucial to the success of your crop. PPL fertilizer has established itself as a reliable and effective fertilizer choice. In this article, we explain why PPL fertilizer is a good choice for your fields.

What is PPL fertilizer

PPL is the abbreviation of "Potato Protein Liquid". Originally, PPL fertilizer is a by-product of the potato industry, which is now increasingly being used as a fertilizer.

Organic and certified

PPL fertilizer is made from 100% organic material. This organic composition makes it not only environmentally friendly, but also particularly effective for healthy plant development. PPL fertilizer is FIBL-listed and suitable for organic cultivation

PPL fertilizer

Rich in important nutrients

The high potassium content of 7% in PPL fertilizer is a crucial factor that makes it an optimal source of nutrients for healthy plants. Potassium plays a critical role in plant growth by aiding nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, supporting the plant's water balance, strengthening disease resistance and improving crop quality

The combination of potassium, nitrogen, phosphate, magnesium and sulphur in PPL fertilizer provides a balanced nutrient supply for a variety of crops such as grassland, sugar beet, maize, cereals and vegetable crops.

Parl is also ideal for potato fertilization. As potatoes are the main raw material for the production of PPL fertilizer, this results in the perfect nutrient cycle.

Exact composition of our PPL fertilizer:

  • Total nitrogen: approx. 2.2 %
  • Creditable nitrogen: approx. 50 % - 70 %
  • Total phosphate: approx. 1.2 %
  • Total potassium: approx. 7 %
  • Magnesium: approx. 0.5 %
  • Sulphur: approx. 0.7 %

As PPL fertilizer is a natural product, slight fluctuations in the nutrient composition are possible

Various application options

In addition to the direct fertilization of plants, PPL fertilizer is also ideal for upgrading liquid manure, which further underlines its flexibility and possible uses.

Advice and support

As an agricultural service provider, we are happy to assist you in ensuring the correct application of PPL fertilizer. Our experts will provide you with recommendations and tips on how to make the most of the full potential of this sustainable fertilizer.

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly and effective fertilizer for healthy and high-yielding crops, PPL fertilizer is the right choice. Take advantage of this organic and certified fertilizer to achieve your cultivation goals while contributing to sustainability in agriculture.


Field trial

We want to see the benefits of PPL fertilizer for ourselves. Find out more in our videos (german language):